Become an ADPList City Chapter Ambassador

Your city, your voice. Help build local community through the ADPList City Ambassador Program.


Every quarter, hundreds of ADPeople gather in their local ADPList City Chapter for captivating events filled with food, drinks, knowledge sharing, and engaging conversations. Led and cherished by you— the ADPList community itself.

At present, ADPList boasts 17 vibrant City Chapters, each fueled by the dedication of 80 Ambassadors who tirelessly cultivate events and foster community engagement within their cities.

Don’t see your City? Apply to become an Ambassador today! We accept applications on a rolling basis and once your city meets the requirements and we have capacity, you will be notified by the ADPList Community Team!


How does it all work?

If you are accepted as an ADPList City Ambassador, you commit yourself to hosting one event per quarter with your fellow team.

A local chapter is powered by a team of volunteer City Ambassadors, each with specific roles, which you are required to:

Host: ensures everything is running smoothly and on time

Speaker: secures speakers and / or panelists

Venue: secures a local venue sponsor

Nourishment: secures a local food sponsor

Creative and Marketing: secures photographer for the event and manages email and event communication via Luma

Your city, your voice

As an ADPList City Ambassador, you’ll get to work exclusively alongside the ADPList Community Team to connect ADPeople in your local community and amplify the global impact of ADPList.

Make an impact

As a Ciy Ambassador, you'll play a crucial role in spreading awareness about ADPList and mentorship. Your efforts will directly contribute to the growth and success of our community.

Build a network

Gain access to a diverse and global network of fellow City Ambassadors, mentors, and industry professionals. Build meaningful connections that can support your personal and professional growth.

Get recognized

Enjoy exclusive perks, including a seat on the future ADPList product advisory board, Ambassador-only events, special swag and recognition on our platform, social media, and more.

Have fun

City Ambassadors will have lots of opportunities to have fun online and offline. Think of your Ambassador cohort like a virtual summer camp for professionals. But less cheesy, we promise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ADPList Event?

ADPList Events offer structured gatherings aimed at providing valuable content, networking opportunities, and a conducive environment for learning and collaboration within the design community.

Medium to Larger Scale Gatherings: These events typically accommodate a moderate to large number of participants.

Set Agenda and Purpose: Each event has a predetermined schedule and a clear objective. For example, it could involve hosting speakers, panel discussions, or workshops, such as portfolio reviews.

Venue Space with Audio/Visual Capabilities: ADPList Events are held in spaces equipped with audio and visual facilities to support presentations, discussions, or workshops effectively.

Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Refreshments such as food and drinks (excluding alcoholic beverages) are provided to attendees, enhancing the overall experience.

Networking Opportunities: The events facilitate networking among participants, allowing them to connect, exchange ideas, and build professional relationships.

How are events different from ADPList meetups?

While ADPList Events offer structured and sponsored gatherings with specific purposes, Meetups are more casual, social gatherings without a predetermined agenda, often organized and promoted by ADPList to foster connections and camaraderie within the design community. Meetups are totally separate from the City Chapter events.

How often will City Chapter events take place?

Right now, we are testing this program with events happening once per quarter.

Are these events sponsored?

The success of the chapter events relies on securing support from local venue and food sponsors. The responsibility of securing these sponsors lies with the local chapter teams, with assistance and guidance provided by ADPList on how to effectively pitch and secure sponsorships.

What resources and support does ADPList provide?

ADPList provides several resources and forms of support to its members, particularly those involved in organizing City Chapter Events: ADPList City Chapter Handbook which includes loads of helpful information for executing events and sourcing local sponsors, Access to ADPList Ambassador Slack Group to connect with your fellow Ambassadors and the ADPList Team, Resources and Swag, Monthly Virtual Meetups, and more! 

Ready to apply?

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. If your city meets the requirements, you will be contacted! 

Apply Today